Lesson  13


No 15. Exercise 5. Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.


[i:]   speak, leave, to leave — left, to leave the house, to leave Moscow,to leave

       Moscow for London, to leave for New York.— When did he leave for Canada?

       — He left for Canada on Wednesday. He usually leaves the house at half past eight.

[ɔɪ]   enjoy, join, to join — joined, to join the group. We are going to the muse-

       um. Join us. Will you join us for a walk?

[ŋ]    hing, sing, to sing — sang, to sing to the music. I like to sing very much.

       Shall I sing to you? Let's begin to sing. Will you sing again, please?

[ɒ]    dog, song, a song — songs. I know many Russian songs. We often meet

       on Friday evening and sing English songs. Enjoy the song.

[j]    yes, yet. He doesn't know English yet. She is not nine yet. We haven't got

       this book yet. I'm ill, I can't go to school yet.

[aʊ]   out, count, to count — counted. Count from 1 to 20. The boy can't count

       well yet. The children can count quickly. Shall I count the apples?

[ʊɘ]   poor, poor people, a poor family. I don't think they are poor. His English

       is poor. Your answer was poor. They are not poor, are they?

[з:]   bird, work, to work — worked, to work well, to work at school, to do a

       lot of work about the house. This work is not interesting work. Have you

       got any extra work to do? His work is the best, isn't it? When do you begin

       to work?

[ʌ]    but, luck, good luck. Bye, Alice. See you tomorrow. Good luck. — We are

       having a test on Thursday.— Oh, good luck!

       By the way. Do you live far away from school, by the way? By the way we

       haven't got any bread for breakfast. What about your extra Maths exercis-

       es, by the way?

No 16. Exercise 6. Listen and answer the questions.


l.  When do you usually leave the house? When did you leave the house yesterday?

2.  Will you join me after classes? Where shall we meet?

3.  What is your favourite song?

4.  Do you often sing before classes? Do you often sing after classes?

5.  You often count in class, don't you?

6.  Where did you work when you helped your parents?

7.  Did you have much extra work to do last week?

8.  Was your answer in English good or bad?


No  17. a) Open your textbook, Exercise II. Listen to the poem  "Meet Me in

the Morning".



                                    Meet Me in the Morning.


                                    Meet me in the morning.

                                    Meet me at noon.

                                    Meet me in September,

                                    Or the middle of June.


                                    Meet me at midnight.

                                    Meet me in the hall.

                                    Meet me in the summer.

                                    Meet me in the fall.


                                    Meet me in the evening.

                                    Meet me at eight.

                                    I'll meet you any time you want,

                                    But, please, don't be late.


b) Read the poem after the speaker and learn it.

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