Lesson 4
No 2. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the song "I Like Food".
I Like Food
I. I like food, I like eating lots and lots of food. (2 times)
Bread and jam, and meat, and fish,
Cakes and biscuits too.
Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,
Mutton steaks, potatoes, peas,
And salted mushrooms too.
II. I like food, I like eating lots and lots of food. (2 times)
Cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce leaves,
Chocolate and cheese,
Toast and butter, soup and spices,
Onions, cereal, cucumber slices,
Marrows, pumpkins, beets.
Don't forget I also like drinking, when I eat:
Coffee, tea and water soda,
Fruity lemonade, coca-cola,
Sugar makes them sweet.
I like food, I like eating lots and lots of food. (2 times)
Some more, please.
b) Read after the speaker.
c) Sing with us.
d) Sing to the music.
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